Other Training

AASHTO’s TC3 training library is an online resource for gaining and maintaining the skills necessary to operate, maintain and improve local highways. FHWA has an agreement with AASHTO to provide local government and tribal transportation practitioners with access to this online training resource at no cost. The online training library includes 190+ training modules. Courses are developed by subject matter experts and include national best practices. All courses are available on the TC3 website and also a mobile app, available on iOS and Android systems.


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USDOT FHA Center for Accelerating Innovation Header

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Center for Accelerating Innovation offers online training related to proven transportation innovations identified and promoted through the Every Day Counts program. See more information on upcoming training.

USDOT FHA Center for Local Aid Support Header

The FHWA Center for Local Aid Support offers training and technical resources to local and tribal agencies. See more information on upcoming training.

American Public Works Association


The Wisconsin Chapter of the American Public Works Association offers training and conference sessions focused on municipal public works issues.

Wisconsin County Highway Association


The Wisconsin County Highway Association offers training focused on county highway issues.

Local Government Center Division of Extension Header

The UW-Madison Extension Local Government Center offers Training Workshops and Teleconference Training Programs focused on Wisconsin local government issues.

League of Wisconsin Municipalities Website Header

The League of Wisconsin Municipalities offers workshops and conference sessions focused on municipal issues.