Workshop Overview
In this course, you will learn how to meet signing and marking requirements from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), apply High Friction Safety Treatment to reduce wet weather crashes, adopt Safety Edge treatments, and more.
Who Should Attend?
The workshop will benefit all those with road maintenance, signing, marking, and traffic safety responsibilities, including:
- Local elected officials
- Managers, engineers, and technicians
- Superintendents, foremen, and lead workers
- Traffic enforcement officers
- Local and county traffic safety coordinators
- Members of county traffic safety commissions
Workshop Outline
Workshop Overview
- Road to zero
- Your role in safety
Meeting MUTCD sign requirements
- Introduction to the MUTCD
- Sign warrants
- Placement of signs and layout
- School Zone signing
- Low volume roads
- Sign supports – materials, design, field operations
Safety 365
- Identify safety problems
- Using crash data
- Reading the road
Pavement Marking Requirements
- Review of MUTCD requirements
- Selecting the best materials for the job
- Abandoning pavement markings
Low Cost Safety Improvements
- At rural intersections
- On curves
- On roadsides
Andi Bill
Ms. Andrea Bill is currently the Associate Director with the Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory and Director of Transportation Information Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her current research incorporates aspects from traffic operations and traffic safety, with a specific emphasis on discovering new and innovative ways to address traffic crashes. She is actively involved in the Transportation Research Board, Institute of Transportation Engineers, and American Society of Engineering Education.
Greg Helgeson
Greg Helgeson worked 35 years as a traffic and highway project development engineer for the Wisconsin DOT in the SW and NW Regions, and the Central Office Headquarters. He spent 28 years in traffic engineering, with emphasis on traffic safety, intersection control, work-zone traffic control, signing, marking and speed limits. Greg addressed traffic safety concerns by working in collaboration with the County Traffic Safety Commissions, local officials, law enforcement and the public. He has been instructing for the Transportation Information Center since 2018, and also works part-time as a traffic engineer for the transportation engineering firm Lakeside Engineers.
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