Course Overview
Learn about basic engineering concepts and methods used by public works engineers to design, construct, operate, and maintain municipal infrastructure. (PWMI)
Who Should Attend?
- Planners and economic development professionals
- City managers and assistant managers
- Municipal finance officers
- Engineering technicians
- Elected city and county officials and their staff
- Engineering technicians
- Maintenance supervisors preparing for additional responsibilities
- Individuals in the Public Works Management Institute (PWMI) certificate program
Course Outline
Online Course Modules Starting May 10th
Pre-course Activity
- Overview of the Course
- Overview of the Municipal Engineering Function
- What is unique about municipal engineering?
- What are the challenges of designing municipal infrastructure systems?
- What tools and standards are used by municipal engineers?
Session 1 Friday May 10, 2024 - Street Design, Maintenance and Rehabilitation
- Soils, water, and pavement thickness design
- Pavement management
- Preventive maintenance and rehabilitation
- Estimating and Bidding
Session 2 Wednesday May 15, 2024 - Street Planning and Traffic Engineering
- Planning and functional classification systems
- Urban vs. rural roadway geometric standards
- Intersections and sidewalks
- Traffic engineering and operation
- Traffic engineering studies
Session 3 Friday May 17, 2024 - Storm Drainage
- Catch Basins & Inlets
- Regulatory considerations
- Combined Sewers
- Stormwater Quality
- BMP’s & BMP Application
Session 4 Wednesday May 22, 2024 - Water Systems
- Water Supply
- Water Treatment
- Water Demand and Water System Sizing
- Water Distribution System
Session 5 Wednesday May 29, 2024 - Sanitary Sewers and Waste Treatment
- Projecting System Capacity
- Collection System
- Treatment Techniques
- Treatment Plant Design
In-person outline: (Not Scheduled at this time)
Day 1
Overview of the Municipal Engineering Function
- What is unique about municipal engineering?
- What are the challenges of designing municipal infrastructure systems?
- What tools and standards are used by municipal engineers?
Street Planning, Design, and Maintenance
- Planning and functional classification systems
- Urban vs. rural roadway geometric standards
- Intersections and sidewalks
- Soils, water, and pavement thickness design
- Pavement management systems
- Preventive maintenance and rehabilitation
- Traffic engineering and operation
- Traffic engineering studies
- Understanding a civil engineering plan set
Water Supply Systems
- Projecting water system demand
- Calculating average demand
- Estimating peak demand
- Accommodating fire flows
Water Distribution
- Water mains
- Water storage requirements
- Metering and water loss
- Valves and hydrants
- Testing
Water Treatment - Groundwater and Surface Water
- Physical and chemical processes
- Hardness and softening
- Filtration and disinfection
Day 2
Sanitary Sewerage Systems
- Projecting system capacity
- Sewer collection systems
- Design parameters
- Materials
- Maintenance
- Treatment Plant Considerations
- Hydraulic and waste loadings
- Phosphorous and nitrogen
- Special loadings
- Treatment processes:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Tertiary
Stormwater Drainage and Control Systems
- Why we manage stormwater
- Understanding rainfall and runoff, and the “Rational Formula”
- Drainage system design
- Catch basins and inlets
- Flood control: detention, flow control, and regional approaches,
- Water quality: EPA, NPDES, and MS4s
- Combined sewers
- Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) and sustainability
Benjamin Jordan
Benjamin J. Jordan, PE is a program director with Interdisciplinary Professional Programs in the transportation sector. He has over 35 years of experience in civil engineering and public works. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign and a Master of Public Affairs degree with a Certificate in Public Management from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois.
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