Turbocharging Internal Combustion Engines

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Course Overview

Patented over 115yrs ago, Turbochargers altered the path of Internal Combustion Engine Design. In the very first application, shipping vessels were changed forever when power was increased from 1750hp to 2500hp utilizing the original twin diesel engines. Upon completion of this course, learners will

  • Understand the objectives of turbocharging for diesel and spark-ignition engines.
  • Become familiar with key terminology associated with features of turbo design and distinguish between fluid processes in the turbine and compressor sections.
  • Be introduced to turbocharger operational limits and walk-through efficiency calculations.
  • Gain a familiarity with engine-compressor matching along with turbocharger sizing, selection and control.

Ultimately, this course will arm learners with powerful knowledge pertinent Turbocharger considerations in Internal Combustion Engine Design.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone wanting to gain deeper knowledge on Turbocharger applications, impacts and considerations in Internal Combustion Engine Design.

Course Outline

Module 1 – Building Blocks

Module 2 – Compressors, Turbines and Charge Coolers

Module 3 – Compressor Maps and Aerodynamics

Module 4 – Turbine Maps and Power Output Management

Module 5 – Compressor Selection

Module 6 – Turbine Sizing and Control

Module 7 – Further Considerations

Module 8 – Two-Stage Turbocharger Systems


Kevin Hoag

Mr. Hoag has over 45 years of experience in diesel and gasoline engine development, in both industrial and academic environments, and is a Fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers. He holds the position of Institute Engineer, the highest technical level position at SwRI. He is a past chair of SwRI’s Advisory Committee for Research (ACR). Experience is wide ranging and includes both diesel and spark-ignition combustion, engine performance development and emission control, engine layout and balance, casting, forging and materials, structural fatigue analysis, air handling, cooling, and lubrication systems. Experience also includes significant customer interaction, engine application and service, and engineering education.

Mr. Hoag’s primary expertise is in engine thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid mechanics. He also has significant experience in engine temperature control, engine lubrication and wear. Work experience includes two years in automotive heat exchanger development (Modine Mfg.), 16 years in diesel engine development (Cummins, Inc.), and 14 years in engineering education and engine research (University of Wisconsin), prior to joining SwRI in 2013. Through 2023 he held an appointment at the University of Wisconsin, teaching one graduate engineering course by distance each semester. He was awarded Emeritus status at the conclusion of the Fall 2023 term.

Specific highlights of his technical contributions include development of explicit formulation for Second Law analysis of IC engines; Creation and management of the Heat & Fluids group at Cummins, Inc.; Founding director and lead developer of the Master of Engineering in Engine Systems (MEES) program at the University of Wisconsin.

PATENTS & PUBLICATIONS: Seven patents, two textbooks (Vehicular Engine Design, Springer-Verlag, 2015, and Skill Development for Engineers, IEE Press, 1999), and over 35 technical publications. Engine design editor for the Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2015.

HONORS & AWARDS: Arch Colwell Merit Award for Outstanding Technical Publication, Society of Automotive Engineers; Two-time recipient of SAE Outstanding Younger Member Award; Elected Fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers in 2017; Directed group at Cummins that received the inaugural Glen L. Martin Award for Corporate Leadership in Continuing Engineering Education from the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education. Emeritus, University of Wisconsin

Upcoming dates (1)

Program Director

Blake Suhre

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