Dr. Erick Oberstar to Continue as Program Director for Power Electronics, Machines, and Drives

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Erick Oberstar will continue serving as Program Director for InterPro’s professional development in Power Electronics, Machines, and Drives, adding to his portfolio of courses in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML), Electrification, and Mechatronics. Dr. Oberstar has been fulfilling this role over the past several months during Professor Bulent Sarlioglu’s sabbatical and will now continue leading the program.

Professor Sarlioglu is returning to his full-time teaching and research duties in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department at UW-Madison. As a professor, he will focus on advancing innovation in Power Electronics and Drive Systems while teaching undergraduate and graduate students.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Professor Sarlioglu for his valuable contributions to InterPro during his time working with us. Over the course of his involvement, he successfully instructed over 5,000 participants and had a significant impact on the field of Power Electronics.

Dr. Oberstar brings more than 28 years of engineering and entrepreneurial experience to his role. He previously led the UW-Madison Mechatronics Laboratory for 22 years, and is a recognized leader in the field. Dr. Oberstar was recently elevated to IEEE Senior Member status, an honor awarded to those who have demonstrated outstanding technical excellence and leadership.

Dr. Oberstar holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and an M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (WEMPEC) from UW-Madison, as well as a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from UW-Platteville. He holds three patents, has more than 30 publications with over 400 citations, and has received the Harvey Spangler Award for Technology Enhanced Education.

Please join us in acknowledging Dr. Erick Oberstar for his continued leadership in the Power Electronics, Machines, and Drives program, and in thanking Professor Sarlioglu for his contributions to InterPro and the broader field.

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